Watch Hoodie Allen Get Perplexed By Some Famous Twitter Bios

Twitter bios provide you with an opportunity to sum up your personality, quirks and sensibilities in 140 characters or less. They also give you the chance to get goofy instead, or at the very lease exercise an imaginative streak with an unexpected anecdote or reference in place of the typical Name/Job/Location framework. With this in mind, we asked Hoodie Allen to try to figure out which artists some especially wacky Twitter bios when he stopped by Fuse HQ, and suffice to say he got stumped.

Here's how it went down: Hoodie was given a Twitter bio and two choices as to who the Tweeter could be. In his defense, the challenge was hard! The stars Hoodie had to choose from are all active on social media, but the picks are definitely tricky and he did his best to think through each choice with mixed results.