Steel Panther Unveil Hilarious Rejected Album Covers

While Steel Panther certainly made the right choice for their new album's cover—All You Can Eat is a bitchin' take on the somber Last Supper painting—it seems the Christian painting wasn't the only classic work of art they considering parodying for their new LP.

In the video above, the L.A. rockers show Fuse the other masterpieces they spoofed for potential album covers.

From Girl With a Pearl Earring (starring Lexxi Foxx as the sultry girl) to The Birth of Venus to The Creation of Adam (where God tells man to suck his own… well, you know), Steel Panther's choices are hilarious, grotesque and brilliant.

And this video has a great lesson for aspiring musicians, too. "If you look as great as we do, you can be in a band," Satchel says. "A lot of people have to work at Walmart or Costco. But everybody in our band is good looking. We don't play good, but who gives a sh-t?"

Check the full, hysterical clip above.

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