The Used Reflect on Their Early Delinquent Days

Unlike most bands from the pop-punk/emo universe, the Used are from Utah, arguably the last state you think of in terms of thriving underground scenes. Fuse has been there since day one, tracking the unlikely band's rise to stardom.

Their first album was released in 2002, a day Quinn Allman of the band remembers fondly. "When we were very first starting, Bert and I went to Kinko’s to make Valentine’s Day cards for our girlfriends. We ended up making a flyer for our first show. We took a picture from a magazine, an old picture of a woman from the ‘50s. We scruntched it up and put it down and her face came out all mangled looking so it kind of transgendered into the cover."

Two years later the boys played Fuse Daily Download, prompting frontman Bert McCracken to say, "My friend Jen worked at Island Def Jam before Sum-41 put off a fire extinguisher in her face and she sued them for tons and tons of money. She made these shirts for me that said “Butt sex is itchy” and that’s the one I went to jail in a holding cell with seventy dudes in Clearwater, Florida. Not safe." Allman adding, "That was the prime right there. You [Bert] were going to jail a couple times a week."

For this and more, check out the episode above.